1.6 Differential equations (Part 3: Exponential growth model, logistic growth model, equilibrium points and their stability and harvesting )


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Option 1: buy the Differential equations (Part 3: Exponential growth model, logistic growth model, equilibrium points and their stability and harvesting ) note in pdf file at SGD1.8.
Option 2: buy the Differential equations (Part 3: Exponential growth model, logistic growth model, equilibrium points and their stability and harvesting ) note in pdf file with answer (either mark scheme or full solution in written form or both) at SGD18. Follower of this blog could buy it at SGD3.60.
Option 3: online tuition with teacher Eric Lee to master this topic at SGD70 per hour (use this note only) or SGD80 per hour (use this note as well as student’s note or student’s questions).